Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Arab, Muslim And Middle East - 1875 Words
To even begin to delve into our topic, we must first define the following terms: Arab, Muslim and Middle East. Millions of the people that fall into these categories live in the United States, yet we hardly take the time to learn to differentiate between them thanks to the negative connotations that are associated with each of these terms (Chin, 2009). To be considered Arab, you or your ancestors live or lived in the Arab world and speak Arabic. The â€Å"Arab world†is made up of 22 states and territories whom are part of the Arab League. However many people in these states do not consider themselves Arab, thus the Arabic language is the unifying factor among the Arabic people. A lot of the individuals who speak Arabic today are very diverse. There is a myriad of dialects of Arabic and over 150 million people speak it. Twenty-five countries consider Arabic an official language (even if few are fluent in it). They vary from African to West Asian countries, however Arabs also live as minorities in many other nations. For example, the United States (Banks, 2009). The history of the Arabic language goes back thousands of years, thus many branches of the language exist among many people, but its prevalence became apparent following the emergence of Islam. The Quran was originally written in Arabic, thus through Islamic state building and expansion, its use was extended. Islamic empires like the Umayyad Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire and the Mughal Empire were vastShow MoreRelatedThe United States, Arab, Muslim, And Middle East1503 Words  | 7 Pagesnon-white â€Å"Other†. 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